Taking Office and Other Updates

This will be the last update from the 2017 campaign. I take office tonight, Monday, November 20!

To keep things above board, I am going to keep a clear separation between Dennis Hennen the private citizen, the candidate, and the city councilor. To help do this, there are some new ways to reach me. Anything related to city business should be sent through one of these channels.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 248-358-5150

I’m still working to figure out how elected official rules apply online, but once I work out the details I’ll continue to post regular updates and participate in various social media forums. 


I have been busy meeting one-on-one with my fellow councilors so we can get to know each other, as well as with some city staff to be brought up to speed on various issues. 

Infrastructure and city buildings continue to be the most important things facing the city. More details on the upcoming funding proposals will be coming very soon. 

I am also starting on a program of improved communication. For example, I am looking at ways to provide better notice of upcoming public hearings. This includes placing signs subject properties and to examine how we advertise hearings.  I’ve also provided some professional advice on how we can improve the monthly city email.

Soon I will be announcing my first “office hours” where you can stop by with your questions or concerns. I’ll continue to work on other communication issues in the coming months. 

I Need Your Help

I am very excited to get started serving the people of Berkley. I’m asking for your help to make this successful. There is only one thing you need to do. Participate. That can be as simple as just dropping a note. Let me know how I can be of the most service to you.