On Monday, council voted to increase the number of marijuana licenses from 3 to 5, approved Art Bash and Art Fest, approved technology that will allow for better water meter readings, and approved services for senior transportation, among other matters.
Council made the final approval to increase the number of marijuana licenses in the city from three to five. Voting in favor of five licenses were Terbrack, Dean, Price, and Vilani. Voting against were Baker, Gavin, and me. I covered the problems with allowing five licenses in more depth in my March 7 update.
Council approved the Berkley Art Bash for Saturday, June 11. This will be the 25th year for the art fair. There are still spots available for vendors.
The Berkley Street Art Fest was approved for July 16. This event features a Street Chalk Art competition and the Shop for Good Village.
Council also formed the annual Woodward Dream Cruise Committee to prepare for CruiseFest and the related activities.
DPW will start installation of equipment that will allow for wireless water meter reading. This will save a significant amount of time for DPW staff, and will allow them to quickly detect water leaks and notify customers before they get a huge water bill. This will require a new water meter. Only about 300 have been installed to date, a process that was slowed by covid. If you wish to get one of the new meters early, you can contact DPW at 248-658-3490 or [email protected]. While updating your meter, they will also check for lead pipes between the meter and the street. If found, you will be put on the list for free pipe replacement.
Council also approved new equipment to help treat ice on our streets.
The SMART contract to provide point-to-point transportation for the disabled and seniors was approved. See the Senior Services section of the city website for details on this popular program.
The fundraiser for an inclusive playground, restrooms, and other improvements at Jaycee Park continues. If we raise at least $50,000, the State of Michigan will give us $50,000. If we raise less than $50,000, we won't receive anything from the state, so every little bit counts. You can read more about the proposed improvements and how to donate.
All seven members of council and the city manager attended the Michigan Municipal League's (MML) Capital Conference. This is an opportunity to network, learn, and lobby with our legislators for improvements for the city. Three of us were granted awards from the MML Elected Officials Academy: Natalie Price (Level 1), Bridget Dean (Level 2), and me (Level 3).
The meeting packet.