City council approved the last marijuana license, a parking study, road maintenance, a gun buyback program, and more.
Yellow Tail Ventures (Moses Roses) was granted the city's fifth and last marijuana license for their location at 11 Mile and Griffith.
The city is participating in a county funded gun buyback program at the Royal Oak Police Station October 22 from 10 am to 2 pm. Meijer gift cards will be provided: $100 for a handgun, $200 for a long gun, and $300 for an assault rifle.
The Berkley Holiday Lights Parade will be at 5:30 on Saturday, December 3 on 12 Mile, followed by the Tree Lighting and a visit from Santa at the City Hall Gazebo. People interested in volunteering, including youth groups interested in carrying banners in the parade, can contact the Parade Committee.
The city will also hold its Santa Drive-By on the Thursday and Friday December 1 and 2 in the evening where Santa will drive by every home in the city.
Funding was approved for DPW's annual road preventative maintenance program. This includes the spray patch system which many people dislike but the city has found is superior to cold patch. It can patch shallower potholes and lasts longer. The gravel debris that comes loose is swept up within a couple of weeks. The city is also experimenting with mastic to see if that can be a viable alternative. They are always watching the latest technology to see if there is something that will work better.
The city will begin a parking study of our commercial districts. The purpose is to analyze what parking we have, determine strategies to reduce parking problems, and then plan for the future.
The Chamber is selling their Berk Perk card, good through the end of 2023. This $30 card offers discount at retailers, restaurants, and for services in the Berkley area, including Woodward Corners.
Skeletons continue to line 12 Mile and Coolidge in the Downtown District for BOO!KLEY. Upcoming events are a "Ghost Chase" road rally type event on Friday, October 21 and a Trick or Treat Stroll followed by the Monster Mash block party on Saturday, October 29.
Curbside Leaf Collection has begun. Only leaves will be picked up — no sticks, yard waste, or pumpkins. People are asked to try to keep vehicles and trash cans out of the street to help facility pickup. More details are on the city website.
The upcoming election will be held on November 8 from 7am to 8pm. Sample ballots are available at City Hall and online. It is not too late to request an absentee ballot application. Call, email, or stop in the Clerk's office in person. Staff requests that you drop off your absentee ballot of early as it helps them prepare to count votes more expediently, but you have until 8pm on the 8th. The Clerk's office will have extra hours for election related business on Thursday, October 20 from 5 to 7pm and Saturday, November 5 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
My Halloween decoration and treat map is up and running. If you'd like you can sign up, view the map (updated once per hour), or view the entries in list form.
The meeting packet.