Discussed at Monday's council meeting was backwater check valves, day camp, new playground equipment, Covid vaccine clinic, and the upcoming budget work sessions.
Council approved a resolution I introduced to refund fees for backwater preventers and provide educational outreach about their effectiveness and programs that will help qualified homeowners pay to install them.
- There was a presentation on backwater valves at the library in 2017: https://youtu.be/093bgExj2ik
- The County has an infographic on sewer flooding.
- The Woodward Talk recently had an article about other ways to deal with sewer backups.
- Qualified homeowners may be able to get financial assistance for installing backwater devices.
Registration is open for Parks & Rec Summer Day Camp.
The new playground equipment at the Tot Lot and Oxford/Merchants should be ready for play soon.
Thursday, May 6th is the time for the second dose for those participating in the Berkley vaccine clinic. Come on that day at the time of your original appointment. If you were a walk-in, come between 12 and 12:30.
Finally, the city budget work sessions will be held Tuesday, May 11th and Wednesday the 12th starting at 6pm. For those interested, the budget is available at berkleymich.org/budget or contact [email protected].