2022 Third Quarter Berkley Update

2022 Third Quarter Berkley Update

Berkley continues to grow with new businesses, updated infrastructure, and exciting new events. 

Construction Updates

Construction Updates

Repairs to Wiltshire Road have been approved for 2023. The plan is for a full road reconstruction and water main replacement from Woodward to Mortenson and repaving the road from Mortenson to Coolidge. The project is expected to start in the spring but may have a delayed start due to on-going supply issues. There will be an onsite meeting in November for residents that will be impacted to discuss the project and answer questions.

Residents living on these sections of Wiltshire are urged to have their sewer line inspected by video. Any necessary repairs that involve digging up the road will be much cheaper to perform now than if you must fully restore the newly repaired road.

The city is continuing lead service line replacements throughout the city. This project is expected to take until 2041. The city will find and replace lead water lines even if you take no action. However, check the city website for information on how to have your lines checked and, if needed, replaced sooner.


Business Updates

Business Updates

El Patio has received their liquor license from the state and expects to open by the end of October. 

Mongers Provisions has applied for a liquor license and is expanding their space to offer more dine-in options.

Construction continues with AquaTots, Pita Way, and the apartments coming to the former La Salette School

Finally, four of the five winning marijuana license applicants have finished the process and have received their licenses.


Talk with Dennis

Talk with Dennis

My next Talk with Dennis event is Thursday, October 6. Stop by the library between 6 and 8pm to ask any questions or share concerns you may have. 


Halloween Map

Halloween Map

I am running the Halloween decoration and treat map again this year. You can sign your home up here.

You can view the map here. It's updated once per hour.

You can see a spreadsheet with live updates. This is best if you are scanning for non-allergenic treats.


Kitten Update

The kittens are a year old now!

Kittens 1

Kittens 2

Kittens 3

Kittens 4


City Council Updates

City Council Updates

  • July 18: Council approved the third of five available marijuana licenses, outdoor seating at a new brewery, heard updates on the upcoming election, and more.
  • August 8: City council approved playground improvements at Jaycee (Bacon) Park among other items.
  • September 19City council approved body cameras for public safety, the Downtown Master Plan, heard about upcoming events, and more.
  • October 3: City council approved moving forward with road reconstruction on Wiltshire, two marijuana licenses, heard election updates, and more.


Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

  • BOO!KLEY Nights events throughout the month of October in Downtown Berkley.
  • Santa Drive where Santa drives by every home in the city, the evenings of Thursday, December 1 and Friday, December 2.
  • Holiday Lights Parade, Saturday, December 3.
  • MerriMonth events from Thanksgiving to Christmas in Downtown. 
  • City Council meetings on October 17, November 21, December 5, and December 19.
  • Planning Commission meetings on October 11, October 25, November 22, and December 20.
  • Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on October 17 and tentatively on November 14 and December 12.
  • More events are on the City Calendar.


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