First Quarter Berkley Update

2023 First Quarter Update Update

The city is asking for a Headlee Override Millage and is looking at restricting dog and cat retail sales. Also, a look at upcoming events, plus updates on ongoing developments.

Headlee Override Millage Vote

Headlee Override Millage Vote

Due to Michigan's unique property tax laws known as Headlee and Proposition A, cities' tax rates erode most years and the purchasing power of the tax dollars raised declines over time.

Because of this, cities often come to their residents to ask that the tax rate be restored to its original value. This is known as a Headlee Override, and it is what is on the ballot for the May 2 election.

While no one likes paying more taxes, the simple fact is that the city is now at the point where we can no longer provide the services you have come to love without increased revenue.

The city has waited as long as they could to ask for this (and, in the meantime, has cut back on some projects and reduced maintenance when feasible). An influx of Covid dollars further helped delay this request for a couple of extra years.

This Michigan law on this is complex, so it can be confusing. The city has an informational dashboard and I wrote an extensive FAQ to help answer your questions.

There is a Millage Calculator I developed that will give you a very close estimate of what this will cost you personally should it pass.

And as always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


Dog and Cat Sales

Dog and Cat Sales

With the opening of Puppygram on Woodward, Council heard a lot of concerns about dog and cat sales in Berkley.

There is a long history of inhumane treatment and animals in poor health related to the pet sales industry so I moved swiftly to bring legislation to prohibit such sales in Berkley.

I expect April will see an ordinance prohibiting any new stores opening.

Meanwhile, we continue to look at enforceable regulations to ensure that animals sold — and their parents — are treated humanely. We also want to ensure that the animals are healthy and free from serious genetic defects, and diseases cannot be spread to other animals or people in the community.

If suitable regulations cannot be found, then I will support a full ban on retail sales, including at our existing store.

This does not mean anyone will be forced out of business. There is plenty of evidence that pet stores can be profitable in selling products and services without selling dogs and cats. One need only look literally across the street at PetSmart in Royal Oak where they already have in place a ban like the one Berkley is considering.


Talk with Dennis

Talk with Dennis

My next Talk with Dennis event is April 6. Stop by the library between 6 and 8pm to ask any questions or share concerns you may have.


Construction Updates

Construction Updates

Berkley Common allowed their permit to lapse and so Griffith Road has been reopened.

Council will be consider a Social District on 12 Mile between Tyler and Kipling (see map below). This will allow businesses inside the district to sell liquor that can then be consumed anywhere in the district. The DDA is also looking at adding more seating and amenities on Robina at 12 Mile.

Proposed Berkley Social District

The City's Parking Study continues. While there are many decisions yet to be made, the steering committee has recommended two things that shouldn't change: parking should remain free and we should keep the overnight parking ban.

The Ivy Loft apartments in the former La Salette school building will be available for rent starting June 1. Construction on an apartment complex behind them has started.

Construction continues on the townhomes at 12 and Philips, as does two new office complexes on Greenfield.


City Council Updates

City Council Updates

With the retirement of Mayor Terbrack as Mayor at the end of 2022, Bridget Dean ascended as Mayor. Council choose Ross Gavin to replace her as Mayor Pro Tem.

With Terbrack's departure and Price being elected to the Michigan House, Council selected Mike Dooley and Greg Patterson to fill the vacancies seats.

  • January 9: Council heard from applicants for a vacant seat, heard about a millage proposal and approved it for a May vote, and more.
  • January 23: Greg Patterson was appointed to a council seat.
  • February 6: Council approved infrastructure improvements, updating our zoning ordinance, the first reading of a number of new ordinances, and more.
  • March 6: Council approved the first reading of an ordinance prohibiting some retail sales of dogs and cats, discussed power outages, upcoming events, and more.
  • March 20 City Council approved Berkley Days (with fireworks), started preparation for the Dream Cruise, discussed property tax assistance, recognized Mayor Terbrack, and more.


Kitten Update

alt-text Making the best of the power outage.

alt-text Sometimes you just need a hug.

alt-text Watching the snow.



Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

  • Headlee Override Millage Information Session, April 4 and April 10, both 7-8pm at City Hall.
  • Talk with Dennis, April 6 from 6-8pm at the library.
  • Election Day for Headlee Override Millage Proposal, May 2.
  • Berkley Days, May 11-14.
  • Berkley Art Bash, June 10.
  • City Wide Garage Sale, June 22-25.
  • City Council meetings on April 3, April 17, May 15, June 5, and June 19.
  • Planning Commission meetings on April 25, May 23, and June 27
  • Zoning Board of Appeals meetings on April 10 and tentatively on May 8 and June 12.
  • More events are on the City Calendar.


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